Observe a little child just after mother feeding, we can see a very cute smile on his face, this is what ? this is "supreme happiness."
On the other hand when the baby is hungry, we can't see the same smile on his face. So satisfaction is the state, when we observe the"supreme happiness. "
State of satisfaction
So when we reach state of satisfaction, we feel happiness.
The way to feel happiness
In our body there is a system which produces tiny neurochemicals called endorphins, which are responsible to relieve stress, pain and feel satisfaction resulting happiness.
When we see any beautiful scene of Nature we feel happiness because endorphins are released.
When we do Yoga and Physical exercise, endorphins are released in our body which results to release the stress and achieve the state of satisfaction, hence the happiness.
Baby is feeling happy after work out
When we do good & hard work out we feel amazing happiness which is caused by release of neurochemicals called endorphins.
Feel happiness with toys in nature
Meditation is also the way by which one can have introspection, then can gain peace & satisfaction and a protective shield is thus formed around the body, which enhances the quality of life and stand by against diseases , So a sound health is it's fruit.
Meditation & Happiness
Meditation is directly proportional to health & happiness. To achieve all this health and happiness the oxygen and water level in the body must be sufficient, quality light food must be taken and a positive thinking are basic requirements to stream line the body mind and soul which is ideal Yoga.
Make protective shield around the body
Meditation forms the protectiv shield
Love & peace also creates happiness
So purchase happiness by performing little things around your self.
By :- Er. R C Verma
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ReplyDeleteHappiness is the highest way of success
ReplyDeleteThe real happiness lies in yoga & nature
ReplyDeleteBe happy with nature
ReplyDeleteGo in nature with Yoga
ReplyDeleteHappiness means health
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